Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Homemade Lava Lamp

The pin promised a homemade lava lamp.  Just water coloured with food colouring and oil and then Alka Seltzer.  The result? Well slightly less impressive than the hype (and the photo on the pin) promised. Also the "when the bubbling has subsided just shake violently and allow to settle and then your kids can use it again" promise didn't work either because the oil now contained dissolved aspirin which left a kind of floating sludge which turned the yellow cooking oil green from the blue water we used.

Boys still thought it was cool though.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Origami Party Goody Bag

No more of the mass produced plastic.  Make your own from themed paper to  go with any kids party.

How to do a 3 strand plait/braid

Not the most inspiring video but recently my preteen daughter and her friend wanted to know how to do a standard plait in their hair.  So for those others who are sick of everyone assuming everyone knows how to do one of these ...

Saturday, 24 May 2014

How to make a gift box with a lid

Simple gift box made from paper.  Make one slightly smaller than the other and you have one with a lid...

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Fail: Opening packaging with a can opener life hack

Tip: use a can opener to open a frustrating clamshell package.

I've seen this on LOTS of pins labelled things like "10 hacks that will change your life",  I can only say I have tried it with two different can openers on different packaging and it definitely did not work for me at all.  In fact in one case it left a still nicely sealed but now supersharp edge which promptly sliced my finger when I resorted to the scissors...

free online reads of childrens books

This pin lead to a site called readyteacher.  Having three children we need a wide range of reading books over a wide age range so any online reading that my youngest child can access when I am otherwise engaged is great, and free well it had to be one to try.  Unfortunately although the pin linked to the readyteacher page this was a review for a site called Storyline Online, and had no link forward to that site.  Frustrating it may be but Google came to the rescue so for free books online the real pin should link here.

free read alouds of childrens books
The book we checked out was I need my monster.  Beautifully read but if you would like to see the text as well you will be disappointed.

Friday, 21 March 2014

How to make an eight page mini book from a single sheet of paper.

Cheap and works perfectly. What more could you ask!
Here is the original pin.
This is my video to prove it works.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Welcome to the world of a Pinterest addict.

Pinterest.  Brilliant invention.  Now I can keep all those pages I used to bookmark in one place and share them.  All those things I AM going to make or try one day when I get time, honest I'll start this week after I have pinned another hundred or so ideas, any day now, honest....

Feel like you can relate to this?  Well this year I decided to do something about it.  You know what I discovered though; not all of the wonderful pins I have pinned and so shared with the world are valid.  Some lead to links that no longer exist.  Some lead to tutorials that have been described as free but aren't.  Some just don't plain work (I'm thinking mainly "life-hacks" here).  So as part of my new years resolution to declutter (did you make that one too!) I am going to include my Pinterest boards and share those things that work and those things that don't.  Of course this means that I will be forced to do so much more crafty things to find out if they work or not doesn't it; what a coincidence that was another New years Resolution.

Right, justification for displacement activity rather than sorting the house in place we can move on...